Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. (Dalai Lama)

Indigo Star


I like people and enjoy time spend together.

My name is Indigo Star, and I am a conduit for Source’s Unconditional Love.
It is my joy and honor to be able to connect you with the Unconditional Love of Source through Archangel Metatron’s Sacred Heart.
The unconditional love that is profound, giving, forgiving, and unconditional in the deepest of meanings and is felt in a powerful way across multidimensional realities.
Being the conduit for Unconditional Love in assistance to others in reaching their best potential in this and all timelines and lifetimes is my honor and privilege.

~With Love for Humanity and Mother Gaia,


Awakening the consciousness of humanity through meditations, activation, and remembering. We are spiritual beings on the path of ascension.

What is a Satsang?

A gathering of people for spiritual reflection, connection with the Light within, meditation, and /or prayer.


CARE ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL, and not whether you are right or wrong.
Allow yourself to Love and forgive without looking for reasons.

Meet Indigo Star

“A scholar tries to learn something every day; a student of Buddhism tries to unlearn something daily.” (Alan Watts)


Joy and happiness are a natural environment of your Soul.
These are the main goals of your existence in your current lifetime, and they ought to become an art of living from within.
Your intentions, wishes, and abundance come true in such a state of mind, body, and Spirit.
Fill your heart with gratitude for the smallest of things, whether you like them or not, until it becomes your second nature. Give up the need to know why and to understand why. That never comes. Things happen for a reason; simply accept whatever comes your way. Care about how you feel in every moment of your existence. Feel good about yourself and your surroundings; persistently keep finding things that make you smile. It is truly important and challenging; nevertheless, it profits you.
Your Soul Light is always exuberant and blissful, despite what you do, how you think, or what decisions you make that affect you and others.
Whatever the theme of your path is, there is an overarching goal why you are on this planet here and now: ascension.
Your personal joy, happiness, forgiveness, and gratitude, no matter what, will take you there. Life becomes harmony. 

~Allow yourself to Love and forgive without looking for reasons.


My awakening happened unexpectedly and suddenly, even though I have always been connected to the subtle realm in some way since I was 3 or 4 years old. It fluctuated and presented itself through a much-heightened intuition and empathy, which at times was exhausting and brought me to tears more often than not. And, at a young age, I did not know how to manage it.
Around my teenage years, I decided that it needed to stop or I would rob myself of the “normal” life that people usually have. I shut down my empathy, waved goodbye to my intuition, and disregarded synchronicities that were blatantly in my face, which at times proved to be a mistake.
Feeling emotions more acutely is not a way to go through life, especially if you work in education and you are among other people’s energy all the time.
I have had a family life like every other person, with its joys, griefs, and ups and downs.
I have not been brought up in a religious way, though my extended family was Catholic. Neither; I went through religious education in any formal way. I welcomed Christianity into my life in my early twenties for a period of time after my brother’s passing.
I do not subscribe to any religion, and my work is spiritual in nature and, as you may imagine, non-denominational.


When the awakening happened, it was not what others might describe as a golden rain of bliss falling on you; it became a dark night of the soul immediately, or should I say dark nights through many, many years. Chaos, confusion, fear, and steep lessons to unlearn and forgive many lifetimes of human teachings, judgment, persecution, hate, and human perspective on life.
I was told that my service will help Soul Lights, people, humanity, and Mother Earth.
When I look back, my gratitude for these lessons, and for the awakening process we all have to go through in different forms to become conscious, vulnerable, forgiving beings, is so overwhelming that it squeezes the depths of compassion, love, and gratitude straight out of my heart for the marvel of existence and eternal wisdom this Universe is and contains.
We are truly blessed and live in Grace, and whether we recognize it or not, we are unconditionally loved no matter what.

Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence. (Alan Watts)