FAQ – Explanation of Services
What does it mean “you were brought” here?
I do not judge anybody. It is not a part of my service to evaluate your intentions nor requests. I do not need to know what you are asking for.
Mother-Father God (Source) knows exactly who you are, and what you are asking for, and whether the time is right for you to receive.
If the time is not right your requests will be disregarded, even if you are at the Satsang.
That is why I say, you were guided here by Archangel Metatron. Metatron knows the path of your Soul, thus yours.
Why do you not offer one-on-one sessions?
My main obligation/service/honor is to the Higher-Self Consciousness, or Consciousness of Humanity, thus millions of people. Not one individual. I help your Soul, you benefit. And lastly, because we are ONE and not separate.
How long is the session?
Currently the fee- and free sessions last between 20- 30 minutes. This is long enough for the participants to concentrate on gratitude and forgiveness and to receive.
I offer sessions that last 44 minutes. When I am told that the need for these particular Satsang topics have been expressed enough times I will post them.
How are services offered?
I do not offer any other assistance but on Zoom. There are two types of Satsang sessions: free and fee-based.
Can I record the session?
No, you are not allowed to record the session.
How do I sign up for a fee-based session?
In the same way as for a free one. Pick a time slot and sign up, and make sure that you pay 2 days before the scheduled session, not earlier. The fee is $166.00 per person, per session. I offer free sessions on Fri, Sat and Sun. @10:30am EST. I reserve the right to make changes.
If free Satsang sessions are full then you choose a different time slot and pay. Sessions that are filled will not be visible.
Circle of Love – fee session
Some individuals prefer to be in a group of people they know: friends, family and others. Send an email inquiry about such a Satsang to info@indigostarspirituality.com. I will give you an answer if the Satsang is available for individuals in your group.
How do I pay for the Satsang?
The payment goes through Venmo and must be sent 2 days prior to the Satsang time, not before. The confirmation email with the link to the session, date and time will be sent to the email you provided upon scheduling the session. Make sure that the Venmo name and your sign-up name are the same.
If you have not received a confirmation email, contact me at info@indigostarspirituality.com.
You may not pay as a group. Each member of a group pays separately. I will read your names during the Satsang. It is a part of a prayer.
Is the fee refundable?
No, the fee for any session is not refundable. You may reschedule the session only once, within one month of the payment date. The timing of the session is important.
Time slots and payments.
You may sign up for the session even a month ahead, however, you pay 2 days prior the scheduled time. Earlier payment will not be accepted.
We all paid for a private Satsang, but one cannot attend the scheduled Satsang?
My suggestion is do your best and use the divine timing to your benefit. You paid for the session 2 days before the scheduled time. Do your best to keep it.
The one can reschedule, and participate with random others.
Can I schedule/ sign up on somebody else’s behalf, for example a child or my elderly father?
No, you may not, if a person is of age and can make decisions, intentions and requests on their own. You sign up only in your own name.
What if a person is in a coma?
No, you may not sign on their behalf. I am not a healer. (Medical Disclaimer below)
But you can come and pray for them.
As written on the Services page, a person must consciously participate in the Satsang and be in the state of gratitude.
I was not able to schedule a session, neither free nor paid. Why?
I am truly not in charge of a scheduler. Anything as far as who participates in sessions is not up to me. My Higher-Self Consciousness will bring you to me when the time is right.
What is a Satsang?
A Satsang simply means “a gathering”, “a company of people”, who meet for meditative, or prayer purposes to connect with their inner beings – Souls and to express love and gratitude to the Source of All Creation.
How does the Satsang with you look like?
You will find that out when you participate. The Circle of Love is a prayer/invocation and gratitude meeting to receive your intentions and requests. When the divine time is appropriate you will participate in the Satsang.
How do I schedule services that are listed on your website?
You receive what you need through your intentions and requests as you have written them down and brought to the session.
Is one session enough?
It depends. It is better to focus on one or two intentions, instead of five or ten of them. You may choose another session for that. You will know when your need arises. A human being cannot hold a multi-focus in a multidimensional reality. Keep your consciousness on something that is very important to you. Leave the rest to Source. You will always receive what is relevant in this moment now.
How do I write my intentions? Is there a formula?
No, there is no formula. Use your own words, or start with:
“It is my intention and I choose to…………………”
Come with reverence in your heart. Just be present/focused in the moment, and leave incidental thoughts behind.
No Guarantees
Indigostarspirituality.com (referred to as “Indigo Star”) makes no warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the Indigo Star services including any guarantees of performance, results, or suitability for a particular purpose.
Medical Disclaimer
The services and a Satsang session on indigostarspirituality.com are not intended to substitute for professional medical or counseling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. Nothing on this website should be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing.
~With Highest Resonance and Love for All of You.